Many patients ask, "What is that weird feeling in my foot or feet?"
Many patients ask, "What is that weird feeling in my foot or feet?"
Nerve conditions can make our feet feel weird.
Nerve symptoms usually come in the form of Numbness, Tingling, Burning, Shooting or Sharp sensations.
Some of the most common places on the foot for nerve conditions are between the 3rd and 4th toes, the inside of the ankle, and the top of the midfoot.
Pressure on a nerve from tighter shoes can irritate a nerve and make it hurt.
An injury to a nerve can make it hurt.
A mass or bone spur next to a nerve can make it hurt.
Diabetes and low back pain can make nerves in our feet feel strange or hurt.
Many patients ask, "What is that weird feeling in my foot or feet?"
Some medications can make nerves hurt.
Nerve conditions can be difficult to diagnose because we can’t see them on an x-ray or MRI.
If you are having any of the above symptoms in your feet, start by making sure your shoes are the correct size.
This can’t be taken for granted: research has indicated that many people aren’t wearing the appropriate size shoes.
Since a nerve can hurt from the foot being in a certain position, pay attention to this possibility and avoid the position as much as possible. Once we make the diagnosis of a nerve condition, we have several non- surgical methods to relieve symptoms.
Our ultimate goal is to eliminate the cause so a permanent solution is attained.
Nerve conditions in the foot can be as minor as a small numb area, or as major as intense pain in a particular area to complete loss of sensation.
Ignoring the symptoms of a potential nerve condition can lead to long- term suffering--like many foot conditions do. Early diagnosis and treatment is essential