5 Healthy Habits to Prevent Toenail Fungus
Have you ever had toenail fungus? Toenail fungus is a fungal infection of the nail or nail bed that causes thick, yellow, crumbly nails. Nail fungus can be difficult to get rid of and if left untreated, can lead to a more serious infection. The best thing you can do is learn to prevent Nail Fungus before it happens. Here are 5 healthy habits you can practice to prevent toenail nail fungus:
- Keep your feet clean and dry- Wash your feet with soap and water every day and dry them off afterwards. Feet/nails that are clean and dry are less likely to pick up nail fungus.
- Don't go barefoot in public- Fungus loves to grow in warm, wet places and spreads easily from person to person. It is important to wear shower shoes/flip flops in public locker rooms, pools, and showers.
- Use the right footwear- Fungus thrives inside tight, hot, and sweaty shoes/socks. Prevent this by making sure your shoes are not too snug and give you room to breathe. Choose moisture wicking socks as opposed to cotton or wool so your feet stay cool and dry.
- Choose a clean nail salon- Nail Salons can be a breeding ground for nail fungus if they do not not practice proper sterilization. Choose a salon that’s licensed by your state and looks well-kept. Make sure they sterilize all their tools/files after each use and before each new customer or bring your own.
- Throw away old shoes and slippers- Fungus can live in old shoes and slippers. Prevent this in newer shoes by spraying antifungal spray in them every day.